The Italian robot dog Vero proves that robots can not only ensure hygienic conditions in sensitive industrial areas, but also on the beach. With a vacuum cleaner on its back, Vero can clean beaches of unappetizing cigarette butts that release numerous toxins and microfibres.

Worldwide, the total number of these “butts” amounts to several trillion per year. VERO was developed by the “Dynamic Legged Systems” department of the Italian Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT), in Genoa, not far from the beaches of the Riviera.

The four-legged robot’s integrated cameras use artificial intelligence to detect cigarette butts. There are small, 3D-printed suction nozzles on the robot’s feet that suck up each detected butt in a targeted manner. A perfect solution for cleanliness and hygiene on Italy’s beaches—and not only there.

Source: Italian Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia