New research from the University of Nottingham and Blast Theory highlights the complexity of designing robots to care for cats. Their project, “Cat Royale,” involved a robotic arm that interacted with cats in a specially designed enclosure, working six hours a day for twelve days. The Webby Award-winning installation demonstrated that both technology and environment are critical to a robot’s success.

The study emphasized the importance of human involvement in the recovery of the breakdown and the well-being of the animals. The robot offered activities such as dragging toys and offering treats and the AI ​​adapted these experiences based on the cats’ preferences.

The study found that designing robots to care for pets requires a thoughtful integration of engineering, artificial intelligence and interior design, suggesting that homes may need to be redesigned to effectively accommodate the robots. This collaborative project provided insight into the creation of multi-species systems where robots, animals and humans coexist harmoniously.

Source: Science Daily