The income of the employees of a US restaurant chain increased after the owner decided to hire a robot waitress to help. According to the owner of the restaurant, the amount of tips increased because humans had more time to interact with customers and they managed to serve more tables.

According to Carlos Gazitua, manager of the restaurant chain Sergio’s, they started looking for a robot waiter when it was difficult to find workers after the virus outbreak. The robot now brings food from the kitchen to the tables, where the waiter hands them to the customers. After a test period in one restaurant, Gazitua provided robots for the entire chain.

Robots also help regular employees after the customers have left, as it is possible to collect dirty dishes from several tables at once and then send them to the desired location for cleaning.

According to Gazitua, the use of a robot in a restaurant leads to an increase in efficiency of about 25-30 percent.