Our service robot KettyBot started trial work at the Clinic of Tartu University Hospital, where it guides customers from the reception desk to the desired location. Since the clinic building is very large, patients often have problems finding the right way. As a solution to the situation, we proposed our own robot KettyBot.

You can select the desired destination from KettyBot’s screen, and the robot will guide you with pleasant music to the desired elevator or cabinet. There, the robot wishes the patient a nice day and then hurries back to wait for new people at the reception. Robot has also big lower screen, where all the instructions are displayed.

The robot does its work completely autonomously. He is assigned a fixed working time. The robot spends rest breaks at the wireless charger. In the morning, the robot comes back to the work by itself, and in the evening it goes again to recharge.

Similarly, KettyBot can guide people to a desirable store in a large mall or in the hardware store to the bathroom or wallpaper department.