At its Pixel event in early October, Google announced that it would combine Google Assistant and a generative AI chatbot to create a new tool called “Assistant with Bard.” Now, thanks to a leaked line of code, it’s possible to see for the first time what this new version of the AI-powered Assistant could look like.

With the help of AssembleDebug, TheSpAndroid staff discovered the code hidden in the beta version of the Google app. It appears that beta contains lines of code related to Bard and Assistant integration. TheSpAndroid staff was also able to activate the new Assistant feature, although it wasn’t fully operational.

Specifically, they were able to launch an introductory screen with a Get Started button and three interactive bubbles that read Explore, Understand and Create. Tapping on these bubbles expands the bubble to provide more context.

The publication assumes that the new version of Assistant will arrive on the Pixel 8 first, as it will have AI features that are currently reserved for Google’s latest phone. They also point out that all the features available in the web version of Bard are also available in the Google app.

In addition, Google also appears to be updating the Assistant logo to match the stars it uses for Bard.
Google says Assistant with Bard is available on both Android and iOS. Once it’s integrated, you can use voice, text, and images to interact with it. The new feature will be released to early testers first before rolling out to the public over the next few months.

Source: Android Authority