According to Bloomberg, Apple has canceled an ambitious car project that lasted nearly ten years. Some of the released workers will be directed to work on the company’s artificial intelligence projects.

According to the report, the decision was taken within the last few weeks at the company’s top management level. The project had reached the “do it or stop it” point, and the company’s manager was also forced to make a decision by the major shareholders.

There were more than 2,000 people in the Apple Car/Project Titan team. As part of the decision to close the project, some employees will move to Apple’s artificial intelligence team, led by John Giannandrea.

However, this offer is not extended to everyone who worked on the Apple Car project. Some employees may be able to apply for jobs in other Apple teams, but layoffs are likely, Bloomberg noted. It is not yet clear how many layoffs there will be.

Apple has been working on an electric car since 2014. It was recently reported that Apple has set the release date of its electric car to 2028, with the price of the car expected to be around $100,000. The company’s initial goal was to deliver a car that would be fully autonomous, without steering wheels or pedals. These ambitions have been sharply scaled back in recent years.

Source: 9to5mac