According to a Washington State University study, the use of more robots in hotels could increase labor shortages by causing more employees to leave. One of the study’s authors advises employers to emphasize how technology and human workers can work together, rather than focusing solely on the effectiveness of robots. This approach can help alleviate employee uncertainty and stress.
A study of more than 620 hospitality and hospitality workers found that “robotophobia” – the fear that robots will replace human jobs – leads to workplace insecurity and stress, which increases employee intentions to leave. This effect is stronger among those who have direct experience with robots and affects both frontline workers and managers.
The hotel industry, already struggling with high staff turnover and labor shortages exacerbated by the pandemic, is increasingly turning to robotic technology to fill the gaps. However, the study suggests that this could create a negative feedback loop that exacerbates labor shortages as more workers leave due to robot fears.
Source: Science Daily